Department for Structural Seismic Stability
Head: Zaven Mamikon Khlghatyan
The Seismic Resilience Center (SRC) of the Regional Survey for Seismic Protection, within the framework of the state comprehensive programs for seismic risk reduction in Armenia and Yerevan (RA Government Decrees No. 392 from 07.06.99 and No. 429 from 10.06.99), carries out the following main functions:
- In the case of expected strong earthquakes, preliminary assessment of building and structure damages in the possible epicentral zone.
Conducts macroseismic investigations of earthquakes that occurred in the RA territory.
- Vulnerability assessment of special, important, and general significance objects in the field of seismic protection.
- Creation of seismic risk databases for cities and settlements of the RA.
- Development, improvement, testing, and implementation of new technologies for increasing the seismic resilience of existing buildings and structures.
Since 1991, the Center has conducted assessments of the technical condition and seismic vulnerability level of several special and important significance objects from the perspective of seismic protection.